Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Usual Suspects (1995) - Movie Review

The Usual Suspects (1995)

directed by Bryan Singer 

movie review/analysis
written by Gavin Miller

Before I begin going into this film, I'd like to say a few words about director Bryan Singer. I think that he is an underrated filmmaker. His films are some what hit and miss, and unfortunately people seem to forget that he's made some pretty good movies over the years. I haven't seen all of his work, but I think that one of his biggest feats was bringing the comic book/superhero film genre back into mainstream film making with 2000's X-Men, which he directed. It wasn't perfect, but it's a decent film; and one that he followed up with the superior sequel X2 (2002). Among his other directorial credits where Superman Returns (which I did not see), Valkyrie (which is a somewhat better film than it gets credit for) among a few others. But, the film that truly established Singer, and the film that he will remembered for is The Usual Suspects. It wasn't exactly his debut film (that was Public Access), but let's be honest, no one remembers, or even knows about that movie. Usual Suspects was a brilliant movie on the other hand. It's one of those movies that I could talk about for hours. I love it. Singer really puts personality in his movie. It's quickly paced, entertaining, tightly edited and has an awesome score that really gets you into the movie. The performances are all around good and the all star cast is obviously having fun. Kevin Spacey in particular is amazing and is the film's crowning jewel. He deserved his Oscar. 
In conclusion, The Usual Suspects is fast paced, inventive, and just awesome. The famous twist ending truly is brilliant. With so much goes going on in the first hour and forty minutes (or so), I think it's great how the movie just kinda laughs at itself and at the viewers by completely pulling the rug from beneath your feet, leaves=ing you with a huge grin on your face. This is a now iconic film that has archived classic status. It's an important movie, but never a pretentious one. I love it. Check it out. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a film I would now like to see. I had not heard of it before reading your blog.
